# Save as output_filename.html. Or overwrite. wget http://www.google.com -O output_filename.html # Check for internet connection. if wget -q --spider "http://google.com"; then echo "Success, got internet connection!" else echo "Error: No internet connection!" fi # Redirect output to standard output. if wget -q "${url}" -O-| grep -qF 'File Not Found'; then echo "NO: ${url}" else echo "YES: ${url}" fi # Wget exit code. 0: No problems occurred. 1: Generic error code. 2: Parse error—for instance, when parsing command-line options, the ‘.wgetrc’ or ‘.netrc’... 3: File I/O error. 4: Network failure. 5: SSL verification failure. 6: Username/password authentication failure. 7: Protocol errors. 8: Server issued an error response.