Python - Draw Simple Moving Average using Tulip Indicators & Matplotlib

By xngo on April 1, 2019


Here is a simple example showing how to use Tulip Indicators and Matplotlib to draw Simple Moving Average. The data used here is from



import pandas as pd
import tulipy as ti
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('Agg') # Bypass the need to install Tkinter GUI framework
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Avoid FutureWarning: Pandas will require you to explicitly register matplotlib converters.
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
# Load data from CSV file.
my_headers = ['date', 'price']
my_dtypes = {'date': 'str', 'price': 'float'}
my_parse_dates = ['date']   # List columns that should be parsed as date.
loaded_data = pd.read_csv('data.csv', sep='\t', header=None, names=my_headers, 
                            dtype=my_dtypes, parse_dates=my_parse_dates)
# Plot the main graph.
x = loaded_data['date']
y = loaded_data['price']
plt.plot(x, y, label='Main graph')
# Plot Simple Moving Average. 
sma_input=loaded_data['price'].values   # Convert pandas dataframe to NumPy array.
sma_y = ti.sma(sma_input, period=5)     # Calculate SMA using Tulip Indicators.
sma_x = loaded_data['date'].values
sma_x = sma_x[4:]   # Skip 1st 4 due to period=5.
plt.plot(sma_x, sma_y, label='Simple Moving Average(5)')
# Customize graph
# Set graph labels & legend
plt.ylabel('Price ($)')
plt.title('Draw Simple Moving Average(5) \nusing Tulip Indicator & Matplotlib')
plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate()   # Beautify the x-labels
# Save graph to file.

Output chart

Screenshot of Simple Moving Average using Tulip Indicators & Matplotlib

Input data: data.csv

2005-11-01  81.59
2005-11-02  81.06
2005-11-03  82.87
2005-11-04  83.00
2005-11-07  83.61
2005-11-08  83.15
2005-11-09  82.84
2005-11-10  83.99
2005-11-11  84.55
2005-11-14  84.36
2005-11-15  85.53
2005-11-16  86.54
2005-11-17  86.89
2005-11-18  87.77
2005-11-21  87.29

About the author

Xuan Ngo is the founder of He currently lives in Montreal, Canada. He loves to write about programming and open source subjects.