Bash - Set MP3 filename as the song title

By xngo on June 17, 2019

  1. You have to install id3v2.
    aptitude -y install id3v2
  2. Run the following script in directories that contain MP3 files.
    # Description: For each MP3 file, set the filename as the song title
    for i in *.mp3; do
      id3v2 --song "$SONG" "$i"
  3. Or add also the order number in the comment.
    # Description: For each MP3 file, set the filename as the song title and add the order number in the comment.
    for i in *.mp3; do
      id3v2 --song "$SONG" --comment "${idx}" "$i"
      let idx=idx+1

Layout of ID3v1

Field Length Description
header 3 TAG
title 30 30 characters of the title
artist 30 30 characters of the artist name
album 30 30 characters of the album name
year 4 A four-digit year
comment 28 or 30 The comment
zero-byte 1 If a track number is stored, this byte contains a binary 0.
track 1 The number of the track on the album, or 0. Invalid, if previous byte is not a binary 0.
genre 1 Index in a list of genres, or 255

About the author

Xuan Ngo is the founder of He currently lives in Montreal, Canada. He loves to write about programming and open source subjects.