Java - Simple multithreaded programming

By xngo on February 27, 2019

The code below shows that the Manager class will give a job to each worker. As soon as a worker completes its job, a new job is assigned to the free worker.

Manager class

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Manager
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // Variables
    int iNumOfWorkers = 3;// Number of workers.
    int iNumOfJobs = 11;  // Number of jobs.
    long lWaitTime = 1000;// Time lapse before asking who workers are free.
    // Create jobs list.
    ArrayList<String> aJobsList = new ArrayList<String>();
    for(int j=0; j<iNumOfJobs; j++)
    // Create workers
    Worker aWorkers[] = new Worker[iNumOfWorkers];
    for(int i=0; i<iNumOfWorkers; i++)
      aWorkers[i] = new Worker();
    System.out.println("Start giving jobs to workers("+aJobsList.size()+" jobs)");    
    // Work until there is no job left.
      // Get a list of which workers are free.
      ArrayList<Integer> aFreeWorkersIndex = getFreeWorkers(aWorkers);
      // Show free workers.
      // Give each worker a job.
      for(int j=0; j<aFreeWorkersIndex.size(); j++)
        int iWorkerId = aFreeWorkersIndex.get(j).intValue();
        aWorkers[iWorkerId] = new Worker();
        // Custom method used to pass data to the worker.
        aWorkers[iWorkerId].set("Worker"+iWorkerId, aJobsList);
      // Wait X time before asking who are free to take a job.
      catch(Exception ex)
    System.out.println("End giving jobs to workers.");
   * Get the id of workers that are free.
   * @param aWorkers
   * @return IDs of workers that are free.
  public static ArrayList<Integer> getFreeWorkers(Worker aWorkers[])
    ArrayList<Integer> aFreeWorkersIndex = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    // Go through each worker and see who are free to take new job.
    for(int i=0; i<aWorkers.length; i++)
        aFreeWorkersIndex.add(new Integer(i));
    return aFreeWorkersIndex;
  public static void displayFreeWorkers(ArrayList<Integer> aWorkers)
    // No free workers. Get out.
      System.out.println("No free workers.");
    // Display free workers.
    System.out.print("Free workers IDs: ");
    for(int i=0; i<aWorkers.size()-1; i++)
      System.out.print(aWorkers.get(i)+", ");
    System.out.print(aWorkers.get(aWorkers.size()-1)); // Display last worker's ID.

Worker class

 * Implement what worker should do in this class.
import java.lang.Thread;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Worker extends Thread 
  private String m_sWorkerName = "";
  private ArrayList<String> m_aJobsList = null;
  private String m_sJobName = "";
  public Worker()
   * Demonstrate how to pass values from Manager class to Worker class.
   * @param sWorkerName
   * @param aJobsList
  public void set(String sWorkerName, ArrayList<String> aJobsList)
    this.m_sWorkerName = sWorkerName;
    this.m_aJobsList = aJobsList;
   * Get the job and remove it from the job list so that other workers will
   *  not take the same job.
   * Synchronized keyword is used so that other workers can't take the same job.
  private synchronized void getJob()
      this.m_sJobName = this.m_aJobsList.remove(0);
   * This method will run when Worker.start() is called.
   * All the logics should be put in here. This is like the main() of a program.
  public void run()
     * Put a random sleep time to simulate work time.
    Random oRandom = new Random();
    int iSleepTime = oRandom.nextInt(5000);
    System.out.println("\t"+this.m_sWorkerName+": Working on Job"+this.m_sJobName+" for " +iSleepTime +"ms.");
    catch(Exception ex)
    System.out.println("\t"+this.m_sWorkerName+": Done Job"+this.m_sJobName+".");

About the author

Xuan Ngo is the founder of He currently lives in Montreal, Canada. He loves to write about programming and open source subjects.