Drupal 8 - Views - Sort by taxonomy term name

By xngo on June 26, 2019

In Drupal 8, when you create a view, you usually create a node(content) view. By default, it doesn't have access to taxonomy content. To activate it, you need to add Taxonomy terms on node relationship from the ADVANCED section of your view. As a result, you now have access to the taxonomy term name.

After this, under the SORT CRITERIA section, the Taxonomy term: Name is now available for you to sort.

Note: If you are also grouping by the taxonomy term name, you should not use the sort option from the Format: Table. Otherwise, your criteria under the SORT CRITERIA section will not work.

About the author

Xuan Ngo is the founder of OpenWritings.net. He currently lives in Montreal, Canada. He loves to write about programming and open source subjects.