Icon/Image in the statusbar of Firefox

By xngo on February 22, 2019

In order for the image/icon to appear in the statusbar of Firefox, you have to add 1 of the following classes: statusbarpanel-iconic, statusbarpanel-iconic-text and statusbarpanel-menu-iconic. Detail definition of each class can be found at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XUL/statusbarpanel#Style_classes. Here is a code example that I added in my overlay.xul:

<statusbar id="status-bar"><!-- The statusbar id can't be changed. It should match with Firefox's. -->
  <statusbarpanel id="id-statusbarpanel" 
                  tooltiptext="Label shown when mouse is on."

About the author

Xuan Ngo is the founder of OpenWritings.net. He currently lives in Montreal, Canada. He loves to write about programming and open source subjects.