The script below will take screenshots of a movie file using mpv.
Simply input the number of screenshots and the movile file as the arguments to the script.
For example, ./ 13 my-video-file.mp4
#!/bin/bash set -e # Description: Take screenshots from video file using mpv. script_name=$(basename "$0") num_of_screenshots=$1 video_file=$2 # Error handling. usage_example=" e.g.: ${script_name} num_of_screenshot video_file" is_number_regex='^[0-9]+$' if ! [[ "${num_of_screenshots}" =~ ${is_number_regex} ]] ; then echo "Error: ${num_of_screenshots} is not a number. Aborted!" echo "${usage_example}" exit 1; fi if [ ! -f "${video_file}" ]; then echo "Error: ${video_file} is not file. Aborted!" echo "${usage_example}" exit 1; fi # Take screenshots. increment=$(perl -E "say 98/${num_of_screenshots}") padding_size=$(echo -n "${num_of_screenshots}" | wc -m) position=${increment} for ((i=0; i < num_of_screenshots ; i++)); do printf -v position_format "%0${padding_size}d" ${i} # Zero padding. output_file="${video_file}_${position_format}".ms.jpg mpv "${video_file}" --no-terminal --no-audio --vo=image --start=${position}% --frames=1 -o "${output_file}" echo "${output_file} created." position=$(perl -E "say ${position} + ${increment}") done