Share float is the number of shares of a stock that is available to trade. It is important to know the total float so that you can gauge the supply and demand. For example, if the total float of a stock is 5 millions shares and today, 15 millions shares have already been traded, then it means that the shares have been changing hands 3 times. People who bought the first 5 millions shares are not likely to sell lower than their buying price, neither do people who bought the second or the third 5 millions shares. This pile on leads to share price spike.
Here is a Bash script to fetch share float from, and The Wallstreet Journal.
#!/bin/bash set -e # Description: Fetch float number from different sources. script_name=$(basename "${0}") symbol=$1 # Error handling. cmd_eg=$(printf "%s\n%s\n" \ " e.g. ./${script_name} AAPL" ) if [ -z "${symbol}" ]; then echo "Error: Enter a symbol. Aborted!" echo "${cmd_eg}" exit 1; fi # Fetch float from url="${symbol}" output_file="${symbol}.html" wget -q "${url}" -O "${output_file}" # Extract float number from html. finviz_float=$(cat "${output_file}" | grep "Shs Float" | sed 's|.*<b>||' | sed 's|</b>.*||') # Fetch float from url="${symbol}/key-statistics?p=${symbol}&.tsrc=fin-srch" output_file="${symbol}.html" wget -q "${url}" -O "${output_file}" # Extract float number from html. yahoo_float=$(cat "${output_file}" | sed 's/floatShares/\nfloatShares/' \ | grep floatShares | sed 's/}.*//' | sed 's/.*"fmt":"//' | sed 's/".*//') # Fetch float from the wallstreet journal. url="${symbol}" output_file="${symbol}.html" wget -q "${url}" -O "${output_file}" # Extract float number from html. wsj_float=$(cat "${output_file}" | sed 's/Public Float/\nPublic Float/g' | grep 'Public Float' \ | tail -n +2 | sed 's|</span>.*||' | sed 's/.*">//' | tr -d ' ') # Display float numbers. echo "Finviz: ${finviz_float} Yahoo: ${yahoo_float} WSJ: ${wsj_float}" # Clean up rm -f "${output_file}"
Here is an example of the results of the script above.