Looping is needed when you want to process over a bunch of data. Use it sparingly as it is overtly expensive and slow. Often times, simple loop process can be replaced by a one-liner using a combination of the powerful commands such as find, sed, tr, xargs, etc. Different forms of loops are showcased below. My favorite is the While loop. It is the king of all loops. It can handle filename with spaces and allow incremental counter.
While loop
counter while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "${line}" ]]; do echo "Do something ${line}" let counter+=1 done < <( cat somefile.txt | grep -v '^#' | mawk NF ) echo ${counter}
Loop through an array of elements
animalNames=( cat dog fish ) animalNames+=( bird ) for animal in "${animalNames[@]}"; do echo "******** ${animal} ********" done
Loop through arguments
for arg in "${@:2}"; do # Skip the first argument. echo "${arg}" done
Loop from specific index and use a counter.
MAX=5 position=11 for ((i=0; i < MAX ; i++)); do echo "i=$i , position=$position" let position+=1 # Same as 'i=i+1 done echo "Final position=${position}"
Loop through movie files
for movie in *.{mp4,mkv,avi,rmvb,webm}; do echo "${movie}" done
Loop through alphabet
for x in {a..z} do echo "$x" done