Restore MySQL database using Ant

By xngo on February 21, 2019

Previously, I have shown how to Backup MySQL database using Ant. Now, let's restore it. The Ant restore script example below is designed to restore a MySQL database name called Test.

Before you run this script, change the db.username, db.password, and the path of mysqldump accordingly. Also, you have to ensure that your compressed backup file is located in archive_db/Test_YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS.sql.tar.gz. To restore, run the following in the command prompt:

ant -f build_restore.xml restore_db -Drestore.dir=Test_YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS

Here is the Ant restore script for MySQL:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
Author: Xuan Ngo
Description: Restore MySQL database name called Test.
              Before you run this script, change the username, password 
                and the path of mysqldump accordingly.
Usage: Your compressed backup file should be in .../archive_db/Test_YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS.sql.tar.gz
          ant -f build_restore.xml restore_db -Drestore.dir=Test_YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS
<project basedir="." default="nothing" name="Test">
  <!-- Change the following properties accordingly. -->
  <property name="db.username" value="root"/>
  <property name="db.password" value="mypassword"/>
  <property name="" value="${}"/><!-- The name of the database to backup. -->
  <property name="mysql" value="C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.33\bin\mysql"/><!-- Path to mysql program. -->
  <property name="mysqladmin" value="C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.33\bin\mysqladmin"/><!-- Path to mysqladmin program. -->
  <property name="archive.dir" value="archive_db"/>
  <tstamp><format property="DAY_TIME_NOW" pattern="" /></tstamp>
  <target name="nothing">
    <echo>By default, it does nothing.</echo>
  <!-- ***************************************
  Restore MySQL database 
  **************************************** -->  
  <target name="restore_db">
    <!-- Clean up the database by deleting and then creating it. -->
    <antcall target="delete_db"/>
    <antcall target="create_db"/>
    <!-- Decompress the backup file. -->
    <untar dest="." compression="gzip" src="${archive.dir}/${restore.dir}/${restore.dir}.sql.tar.gz"/>
    <!-- Import data back to the database from the decompressed backup file. -->
    <exec executable="${mysql}" input="${restore.dir}.sql">
      <arg value="--user=${db.username}"/>
      <arg value="--password=${db.password}"/>
      <arg value="${}"/>
    <!-- Delete decompressed backup file -->
    <delete file="${restore.dir}.sql"/>
  <target name="delete_db">
    <exec executable="${mysqladmin}">
      <arg value="--user=${db.username}"/>
      <arg value="--password=${db.password}"/>
      <arg value="--force"/>
      <arg value="drop"/>
      <arg value="${}"/>
  <target name="create_db">
    <exec executable="${mysqladmin}">
      <arg value="--user=${db.username}"/>
      <arg value="--password=${db.password}"/>
      <arg value="--force"/>
      <arg value="create"/>
      <arg value="${}"/>

About the author

Xuan Ngo is the founder of He currently lives in Montreal, Canada. He loves to write about programming and open source subjects.