PowerPoint - Copy source code with syntax highlighting to PowerPoint presentation slides

By xngo on February 26, 2020

To add your source code in PowerPoint slide while keeping the syntax highlighted, you will need to use Notepad++ and MS Word applications.

  1. From Notepad++, select all your code and Copy Text with Syntax Highlighting.
    Notepad++ - Copy Text with Syntax Highlighting
  2. Paste it with the option Keep Source Formatting in MS Word to keep the newlines and lines spacing.
    MS Word - Paste with option Keep Source Formatting
  3. Copy from MS Word and paste it with the option Keep Source Formatting in MS PowerPoint .
    MS PowerPoint - Paste with option Keep Source Formatting

About the author

Xuan Ngo is the founder of OpenWritings.net. He currently lives in Montreal, Canada. He loves to write about programming and open source subjects.